Short Course Certifications in Data Science

GIS - Foundations

GIS - Advanced

Counter Malign Information

R Programming



GIS - Foundations • GIS - Advanced • Counter Malign Information • R Programming • Blockchain/Web3.0 • Datapreneurship

6 week Certifications in high-demand technical areas of Data Science for undergraduates, graduates and working professionals

  • Completion is certified by National Science Foundation ALL-SPICE Alliance and United Nations UNITAR

  • Key partners include Pacific Intelligence Innovation Initiative, Texas Advanced Computing Center, Peraton, US AFOSR and others

  • Each Certificate is a ‘sprint’ with 40 hours of instruction and self-paced learning mentored by faculty and external Subject Matter Experts (SME), followed by a 20 hour ‘Challenge’ project culminating in a Showcase Event - demonstrating real world skills

  • Provides accessible training options for participants from remote Pacific locales and other global locations (11 countries to date)

  • Provides accessible training options for students and working professionals to upskill and reskill

  • Certificates use state of the art online learning environments including TEEM (from CivilianCyber), Github classroom and Google classroom

  • Tuition is $1500 (but to date 100% of participants (>90) have received fee waivers through generous grant funding and sponsorship)

  • Questions: Contact Dr. Helen Turner (

Mahalo to our sponsors for their generous support.