Short Course Certifications in Data Science
GIS - Foundations
GIS - Advanced
Counter Malign Information
R Programming
GIS - Foundations • GIS - Advanced • Counter Malign Information • R Programming • Blockchain/Web3.0 • Datapreneurship
6 week Certifications in high-demand technical areas of Data Science for undergraduates, graduates and working professionals
Completion is certified by National Science Foundation ALL-SPICE Alliance and United Nations UNITAR
Key partners include Pacific Intelligence Innovation Initiative, Texas Advanced Computing Center, Peraton, US AFOSR and others
Each Certificate is a ‘sprint’ with 40 hours of instruction and self-paced learning mentored by faculty and external Subject Matter Experts (SME), followed by a 20 hour ‘Challenge’ project culminating in a Showcase Event - demonstrating real world skills
Provides accessible training options for participants from remote Pacific locales and other global locations (11 countries to date)
Provides accessible training options for students and working professionals to upskill and reskill
Certificates use state of the art online learning environments including TEEM (from CivilianCyber), Github classroom and Google classroom
Tuition is $1500 (but to date 100% of participants (>90) have received fee waivers through generous grant funding and sponsorship)
Questions: Contact Dr. Helen Turner (
Mahalo to our sponsors for their generous support.