Activity 3. STEM Educational Research

STEM Educational Research Project 1: Justice-oriented Approaches to Data Science Education (JADE).

  • Dr. Alex Stokes leads an SER project that is focused on Justice-Oriented pedagogy in Data Science

  • Justice-oriented pedagogy places students’ sociocultural concerns and identities centrally in the classroom

  • The central hypothesis of this study is that Justice-oriented pedagogy will increase inclusion and belonging in data science for marginalized and minoritized students and participants

  • To date 122 participants in Alliance data training programs (classes, summer immersions, research internships) have contributed to a survey and interview-based study

  • The study evaluates knowledge, beliefs, skills an attitudes (KBSA) towards data science when viewed through a social justice lens

  • JADE interventions that include social-justice oriented content, activities and inclusive pedagogical practices are being piloted, and assessed, in classes at the University of Hawaii and Chaminade.

STEM Educational Research Project 2: Active team learning impacts on research self-efficacy in DS students and participants

Dr. Rylan Chong leads an SER project focused on active team learning and self-efficacy in Hawaii-Pacific data science students

  • The study hypothesizes that there will be a positive relationship between active team learning experiences and research self-efficacy in data science participants

  • Research self-efficacy is relatively understudied in DS, particularly for minoritized and marginalized students

  • The study will identify positive and negative experiences during active team learning experiences that contribute to research self-efficacy scores on a novel survey instrument

  • Dr. Chong will discern and differentiate actors that improve (e.g., team projects, mentoring, real world application, and research competencies gained) or decrease (e.g., time pressure, negative team experiences) research self-efficacy in data science participants.